The Current View: Summer Highlights 2016

What’s the most interesting thing you did over summer?

logan-woods“So I was out at around 11 at night and we were looking for turtles. I had seen them underneath a rock and so I put a stick underneath the shell and I grabbed it by the tail. We measured the shell, and it has to be 12 inches, and then we took it back. We ended up making turtle soup out of it. The meat is pretty tough, so you have to slow cook it, but it was pretty good. I would recommend it. ”
Logan Woods, East senior

maggie-ciriacks“I went to Germany for three and a half weeks this summer. Two and a half were with the class [trip], and then, because I had family, I stayed with them for another week afterwards. Some of the highlights were experiencing the different culture. Over there, it’s very different–the different foods that you eat, the different mannerisms, and they’re not as polite over there, so you really have to watch your back.”  
Maggie Ciriacks, East junior

reilly-orth“I went to California and I watched the Olympic trials for the gymnasts. I think they had 20 gymnasts and then they had to limit it down to a certain amount. There were seven gymnasts [who qualified] and they had two extras in case one of them got hurt or something. Friday was the first round, and Sunday was the second round. After they all competed Sunday, they announced the final eight and there was confetti everywhere and streamers.”
Reilly Orth, East sophomore

max-rettler“I was the videographer for all the concerts at the county fair. I would stand front row between the stage and the front row of people and I was in this thing called the pit. My job was videoing for the side screens. I had a backstage all-access pass and I shook hands with Hunter Hayes and I haven’t washed it since.”
Max Rettler, West senior

maddy-coultas“I went on a backpacking trip to the Porcupine Mountains for nine days. We hiked over 50 miles. I went with a camp that I was at for four weeks.There was six of us total, and we slept in two different tents every night, and we made all of our food. My favorite part was when we hiked this one hill that was probably half a mile long and it was straight up. The view was amazing.”
Maddy Coultas, West ninth grader

ellie-core2“[I went] up north to my cabin in Sturgeon Bay and hung out with family and friends. We went jet skiing, boating and had campfires every night. We also went cliff jumping at Cape Point. It was probably 20 feet, it was really high.”
Ellie Core, West ninth grader

Interviews and photos by Hannah Bensen, Editor in Chief.

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