Tag Archives: Megan Landvatter

An Oldie But a Goodie

WBHS senior helps revive old baseball tune with local ties

By Megan Landvatter, Current Staff

As the baseball season starts up again, a lost piece of Brewers history has been found and restored.

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Decision 2021: Meet Board Candidate Chris Zwygart

By Megan Landvatter, Current Staff

After serving on the school board for the past three years, Chris Zwygart believes that he is ready for a second term.

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Decision 2021: Meet Board Candidate Jody Geenen

By Megan Landvatter, Current Staff

After watching her three daughters graduate from West Bend West High School, Jody Geenen hopes to give back to her community once more.

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Teen Employees Affected by COVID-19

By Megan Landvatter, Current Staff

A year ago, Chris Meyers spent his Friday nights seating customers at Texas Roadhouse. Now, he spends his Friday nights wiping down menus. 

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The Current View: The Cohort Model

To stem the spread of COVID-19, students will be split by last name into two groups that will alternate between in-person and virtual learning starting Wednesday. What are your thoughts about the new cohort model?

“I actually really like it because it is a good way to limit the spread of COVID while still being able to go to school.”
Lydia Winklbauer, East senior
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Tooting Our Own Horn: NEWSPA Awards 2020

Local student journalists earn 24 awards

Ten West Bend students have been recognized in a statewide contest for high school journalists. Continue reading


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Decision 2020: Board Candidates on Another Referendum

What are your thoughts about asking voters to consider another referendum?


Tonnie Schmidt (incumbent)

The West Bend School District is very conservative. It is one of the reasons I choose to live here. I appreciate the need to be responsible with our spending and ensuring that responsibility is one of the reasons I sought to run for school board three years ago and it is still a reason why I chose to run for another term. Continue reading


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Decision 2020: Board Candidates on Why They Want to Serve

What is your motivation for wanting to serve on the school board?


Tonnie Schmidt (incumbent)

The gratitude I feel for the education I received as a child and young adult as well as the ability to serve the community that has welcomed the success of my business, Delta Defense, is what motivates me to serve on the school board. Continue reading

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Decision 2020: Board Candidates on How to Improve the District

What areas of the district do you seek to change or improve?


Tonnie Schmidt (incumbent)

In the immediate future, I would like to be directly responsible for hiring a new superintendent to replace resigning Don Kirkegaard.

I also would like to ensure that our facilities are in good shape going forward while not disregarding the declining birthrate and its effect on enrollment in the future. I have a commitment to neighborhood schools as is feasible, including incorporating central administration into existing vacant space in them as an alternative to closing multiple elementary schools. I believe in the priceless power of families to support one another in neighborhood elementary schools over a large centralized structure where children can feel lost and overwhelmed. Continue reading

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Decision 2020: Board Candidates on Their Experience with the District

What has been your experience with the West Bend School District?


Tonnie Schmidt (incumbent)

As a school board, we removed an inexperienced and toxic superintendent and conducted a thorough search for a new superintendent, which included input from the community, resulting in hiring a nationally recognized superintendent who has brought stability to our district. Continue reading

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Italy Trip Postponed Until Next Year

Students understand, but still feel disappointed 

By Elise Marlett, Current Staff

Global illness concern has forced the West Bend High Schools band to reconsider their own safety.

Even before today’s announcement that the West Bend School District will close for the next four weeks due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, the WBHS band had postponed their spring break tour of Italy. Since the trip will now take place during the spring break of 2021, current seniors will not be able to attend and are being issued full refunds. Continue reading

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Innovative Dance Company Headlines Black History Month Event

Celebrate with food and entertainment

By Megan Landvatter, Current Staff

For the third annual Black History Month Celebration, the West Bend High Schools are welcoming the Water Street Dancers. Continue reading

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The Current View: Standards-Based Grading

What are your thoughts about standards-based grading, the alternative to traditional letter grades that has been used this year in some high school classrooms?

“I like it because it’s in favor of the students.”
Mara Perkins, West senior
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Navigating a New Path

For students of the closed Pathways Charter School, the transition to WBHS has been an adjustment

By Megan Landvatter, Current Staff

In Jack Elliot’s first week transitioning to West Bend East High School, he had to drop two classes—his first time ever doing so. Continue reading

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A Little Friendly Competition

Drum major Larscheidt challenges Tillman for first chair

By Megan Landvatter, Current Staff

Leah Duckert-Kroll, in her 17 years working with the West Bend High Schools Band program, cannot remember having two drum majors who play the same instrument. Continue reading

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Teacher Honored by US Field Artillery Association

By Megan Landvatter, Contributing Writer

A West Bend teacher has been given the Molly Pitcher Award for her contributions to the U.S. military. Continue reading

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Revising the Social Studies Advanced Placement Courses

By Megan Landvatter, Current Staff

Changes in Advanced Placement structure have shaken up a few classrooms at the West Bend High Schools. Continue reading

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